Scooter's Journal Log
Earth Date 11 September 2012
was greeted in my office by a student in my AP Chemistry class from the national program who gave me instructions on where to go that afternoon to teach the class • ate lunch in my office and prepared for my national class
Teaching AP Chemistry in the National Program
Well, I am teaching five classes in the International Department at a load of 4 periods per week with one period each being taught by my Chinese colleague, Brian. Therefore, technically, I am underloaded as per my contract. The solution is to find me another course to teach. Fortunately, there is a group of 12th graders in the national program seeking to take an AP Chemistry course. They asked their principal if he could get them a teacher, and so, I was asked to teach the class. I had no idea what to expect. When I arrived, I met Jack, Zoe, Phoebe, and Michael. We talked about their goals and dreams. Each wants to major in chemistry in college.
The Science Building for the BNDS National Program
They already have taken two years of chemistry in Chinese, and they mainly need help in learning chemistry terms in English. They are incredibly motivated, and their English is excellent. Many of their peers have done a year abroad in America or Canada. They are truly wonderful and warm students who welcomed me to their classroom. They arranged everything. I tried to envision this ever happening in the USA. It was kind of an interesting thought experiment. It was like kids setting up an independent study AP Chem class. I concluded it had probably happened in American a time or two. The next class we dove right into an activity designed to get them thinking about the source of measurement and the meaning of math in chemistry. They were very pleased with the lesson. I found them to be as engaging and delightful as the students in the International Department. It seems like it will be a great year!
decided that since Brian teaches my most of my classes on Wednesday giving me a lighter work-load, I might as well enjoy Tuesday evenings a bit more • took the 308 up to Wanda Plaza • ate dinner at the McDonald's • shopped for cereal at the Carrefour • bought a lot of cereal! and a bottle of water • took the bus home • worked on my journal • went to sleep
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